As the name suggests this organization assures that safe meat is delivered to the Canadian markets. This organization provides complete research, development of SOPs and overall infrastructure management. This body is also responsible for taking and testing random meat samples once the production and packing are finished. The meat related issues and diseases or sub-standard meat are also reported to the authorities. There are many subsidiaries which are governed by the Canadian Meat Council Act. These subsidiaries make sure that events are held throughout Canada which provides a chance to every meat developing sector to access up to date information. The technical aspects of this organization are also busy in providing assistance to the dairy farmers in getting the desired outcome.
Some very important events which are held by this organization or its subsidiaries are as follows:
Euro Sense
Also known as European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research the event makes sure that the consumer-related issues are highlighted. There are many issues which a consumer might face when it comes to meat selection. It can lead to wrong choices which are not good to health. This conference makes sure that Europeans get adequate knowledge in so that this never happens. It is done by inviting top dairy and meat producers from Canada. The people interact and get tips which make it possible for them to select what is right for health.

Global Food Equipment and Technology Show
Held every year at Illinois Chicago this show is a boon for meat producers with a limited amount of such equipment. The best part is that the machinery here is highly subsidized as it is directly monitored by the Canadian government. Cost reduction and time-saving are the two most important aspects which are covered in this conference. Some very important aspects covered are as follows:
- Process automation so that minimum human interference is required.
- SOP development which saves labor as well as time.
- Innovations in core technology as well as process improvement.
- Complete slaughterhouse equipment.
International Conference on Food Technology and Nutritional Science
As the name suggests this conference ensures that the meat and dairy producers are kept aware of the nutritional facts of their production. There are many issues which can arise if the nutritional value of meat is not up to the mark. Therefore to keep this under control this conference is the best platform which provides ample knowledge in this regard. Food technology experts not only meet each other but also have a chance to talk to producers. This complete mix up ensures that ideas are shared and best practices are discussed.

International Production and Processing Expo
Meat production is not the only thing which is to be considered at this expo. There are many aspects which are not only discussed but also put into the process. The meatpacking and its delivery are top of all. The processing equipment and how to maintain a hygienic environment is something which is very important. Ways are discussed to make it possible for meat producers. The tools which are used for the process of keeping plants hygienic are also displayed for sale.